Frequently asked questions
May I put a fence on my property?
Our Deed Restrictions prohibit perimeter fences (see Deed Restrictions Article A paragraph 19). By virtue of purchasing a property in the subdivision, you have agreed to abide by these Deed Restrictions. Some homeowners were granted permission to install fences by the developer (Fiduciary Real Estate) in the very early days of the subdivision before control of the Architectural Control Committee/Homeowner's Association was turned over to the homeowners. The HOA was obliged to live with these exceptions because they were “grandfathered”. However, we are strongly committed to upholding the Deed Restrictions and we no longer allow fences all around the perimeter of a front or back yard.
The following properties received permission for perimeter fences or existed on the property before our HOA was formed :
N52 W16715 Oak Ridge Trail
N53 W16231 Whitetail Run
N52 W16745 Oak Ridge Trail
W161 N5261 Creekwood Crossing
W156 N5219 Pilgrim Road
While we are strongly committed to upholding the Deed Restrictions, the board of the HOA recognizes that there may be some limited situations where some sort of fencing may be permissible because of safety concern. (For example, fences around in-ground swimming pools are required by the Village of Menomonee Falls.) We are not inclined to allow fences all around the perimeter of a front or back yard. If you wish to install any kind of fence, please contact the Compliance Committee of the homeowner's association.
What must be approved by the Architectural Control Committee?
Per the Deed Restrictions, landscape plans and basic site features such as fences, decks, in-ground swimming pools, additions and other temporary or permanent structures or elements contributing significantly to the total environmental and aesthetic effect of Creekwood Crossing are subject to the prior written approval of the Architectural Control Committee (see Deed Restrictions Article A, paragraph 8).
My lamp post light is not working. What should I do?
If the bulb is burned out, it can be replaced with a high pressure sodium bulb (Sylvania LU50 MED or equivalent). They are available at Hahn's True Value, Home Depot, Menard's and other stores.
If the "ballast" (the device that provides the current to the light bulb) has failed, you have two options. We have been advised by some vendors that because sodium bulb technology is aging, a replacement ballast which fits our existing fixtures is very difficult to find. Therefore, you can either:
Replace the entire fixture/housing assembly (the part that sits on top of the post), or
Adapt the fixture to work with LED technology bulbs.
The recommended replacement lamp and fixture/housing assembly is the "Brentwood" style by Sea Gull Lighting. We chose this style because it matches our existing fixtures most closely. It costs about $128 on Amazon (as of April 2020) and can be ordered through Amazon.com or, through lighting stores like City Lights on Capitol Drive in Brookfield. The assembly comes complete with wiring and light bulb socket and can mount onto the exiting post.
Manufacturer: Sea Gull Lighting
Model: Brentwood Outdoor Post 1892197 89025-12
Color: Black
The other option is to change the existing fixture to accept LED light bulbs (such as Sylvania Ultra LED A19, 14W, 1100 lumens available at Batteries Plus on 124th and Capitol). LED technology is less expensive to operate and more energy efficient than high pressure sodium bulbs that our fixtures currently use. To adapt the fixture so you can use LED bulbs, remove the existing ballast and wire the power source directly to the lamp socket. This is a pretty straight forward task for the Do It Yourselfer who understands basic electrical wiring. Otherwise, please hire an electrician.
Sea Gull Lighting offers LED light bulbs for the lamp housing as well.
My lamp post light stays on during the day. What should I do?
A new photoelectric switch is probably required. Acclaim Lighting Model 320 is a direct replacement for most lamp posts.
When are the annual dues collected?
The Creekwood Crossing Homeowners Association (CCHA) dues are collected in April. They are due by April 30th and cover the period 4/1 current year through 3/31 next year. Mailing address for dues is N53 W15690 Creekwood Crossing Blvd (the mailbox at the entrance to the subdivision).
What are the dues used for?
The dues are used to meet the responsibilities of the CCHA, including: (a) managing the affairs of Creekwood Crossing, (b) managing and maintaining our storm water retention ponds and Common Areas, and, (c) performing other duties as set forth in the Deed Restrictions for the common benefit of the Owners (See Deed Restrictions, Article B).
My mailbox is broken. Who do I call?
If your mailbox or the support post is broken, please have it repaired. If it cannot be repaired, please contact a Board Member for instructions about ordering a new one through Mailboxes.com. Mailbox maintenance and repair are the homeowner’s expense. We think matching mailboxes throughout the subdivision greatly enhance the aesthetic appeal of Creekwood Crossing.